Raison d'être...

Do you love luxury? Populuxe host Thomaï Serdari wants to challenge the way you relate to it. Do you enjoy the taste of that culinary masterpiece or its sound? Does perfume ignite your sense of smell or does it tingle your skin?  What about soft wool or that breathtaking piece of jewelry? Do you really buy that beautiful book to read it or smell it? Aside from branding, how much do materials or design impact how you relate to luxury and which product you desire the most?

Our physical and digital experiences continue to merge at an accelerated pace. Transitioning to the digital has made it more difficult for us to maintain our proper sense of self and to describe our sensations with precision. Thomaï asks you to pause and ponder for a few minutes at a time, every Thursday. Sensations and attachments to specific objects teach us a lot about our deepest desires and the life story we pursue in search of something alluring and often spiritual.

An international authority in luxury branding and marketing, Thomaï brings to you all the fun and profound ways her guests, accomplished creatives from across ages, cultures, and professions, relate to one object of desire at a time.

For sponsorship opportunities, branded-content partnerships, product pitches, questions about luxury, object suggestions, complaints, or praise contact us at populuxepod_at_gmail_dot_com .

Thomaï Serdari



Thomaï Serdari is the Director of the Luxury & Retail MBA at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University where she has been teaching Luxury Marketing, Branding, and Retail since 2012. Her teaching career began in the humanities in 2004 an area she continues to explore at Parsons School of Design. There, she teaches primarily Art Design History and Theory with the occasional stint in the School of Constructed Environments. She is the editor in chief of Luxury: History Culture Consumption and the author of Rethinking Luxury Fashion: The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Creative Strategy. Thomaï loves to study all industries in the luxury sector and has developed a keen sense of futurism that she eagerly shares with her clients.